Cyrille’s Story

Meet Cyrille, a 48-year-old father of 3.  Cyrille made his living as a mechanic until he required weekly dialysis appointments for kidney failure and could no longer work.  Due to his condition, he began collecting Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits.  However, he continued making child support payments for his youngest child but struggled for years paying the amount that had been calculated based on his earnings as a mechanic.  When he could no longer pay, his SSDI benefits were garnished.  Cyrille then turned to Legal Services for assistance with reducing his $500 monthly child support obligation, which rendered him unable to afford basic necessities.  At the time, he did not know that his child could be eligible for Social Security benefits based on his disability. 

Legal Services filed a Supplemental Petition for Modification of Child Support and represented him at several hearings before the Florida Department of Revenue Office of Child Support Program.  We successfully demonstrated his significant change in circumstances and advised his dependents were eligible for Social Security derivative benefits.  This was a win-win situation for everyone as the mother of his child now receives an increased monthly payment for derivative benefits from Social Security to support their child, and Cyrille’s disability income is mostly unaffected and no longer has an unaffordable child support obligation to pay.

At Legal Services, we recognize that fathers have rights in child support.  We are proud to support and advocate for fathers like Cyrille and wish all dads a very happy Father’s Day! 


In Honor of Pro Bono Month


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