Notable Alumni
Bruce S. Rogow
Former Staff Attorney
Bruce Rogow, the Founding Professor of Nova Southeastern University Law Center in Fort Lauderdale, began his Florida career as one of the original staff lawyers with Legal Services of Greater Miami in 1966. Rogow came to Legal Services of Greater Miami from Mississippi where, for two years, he was staff counsel for the Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee in Jackson, Mississippi, representing civil rights workers in Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana.
Rogow became the Assistant Director of Legal Services of Greater Miami and, along with its talented group of young lawyers, created a law office known both for representation of individuals and for “law reform.” Legal Services of Greater Miami had more cases in the Supreme Court of the United States than any other Legal Services program in the country.
From Legal Services, Rogow went on to teach at the University of Miami Law School and Nova Law School. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers, and the American College of Trial Lawyers and has long been listed in Best Lawyers in America in multiple categories. Rogow has been listed in every edition of The Best Lawyers In America for the past thirty three years.
Rogow has litigated extensively over the past 55 years. He has argued over 450 civil and criminal cases in federal and state appellate courts, including eleven cases in the Supreme Court of the United States. He was Supreme Court counsel in Beach v. Ocwen Federal Bank, Seminole Tribe v. State of Florida, Florida Bar v. Went For it Inc., Campbell v. Acuff-Rose, Argersinger v. Hamlin, Gerstein v. Pugh, Ingraham v. Wright, Mathews v. Diaz, Davis v. Scherer, co-counsel in Fuentes v. Shevin, and was appointed by the Supreme Court to represent the petitioner in Francis v. Henderson. In three cases, Waldron v. United States, Arthur v. Hillsborough County, and in Scrushy v. United States, the Supreme Court granted certiorari, vacated, and remanded the decisions below without argument. In the 2000 Presidential election litigation, he was counsel in the Supreme Court for the Palm Beach County Canvassing Board in Bush v. Palm Beach Co. Canvassing Bd. He was co-counsel in United Haulers v. Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Management Authority, decided favorably in April 2007. In December 2007 he was retained by the Kentucky Retirement System to prepare its lawyer for a January 2008 Supreme Court argument in Kentucky Retirement System v. EEOC. The case was decided in favor of the Kentucky Retirement System.
Additionally, Rogow has argued numerous cases in the Florida Supreme Court and has represented an eclectic collection of clients in civil and criminal cases over the course of his career.
Bruce and Jacquelyn, a former Broward Legal Aid lawyer, have continued their long support of Legal Services in South Florida, and in North Carolina, where they now reside.