Students who are disabled have the legal right to receive education services and accommodations so they may benefit from their education and experience positive, life-long outcomes. Unfortunately, because education law is complex, parents and guardians often do not know how to help their child receive the education services they need. This is especially true in Miami-Dade County which is the fourth largest school district in the country and has a complicated special education bureaucracy. Legal Services of Greater Miami attorneys represent parents and guardians to enforce their children’s rights to receive appropriate education and related services. Because students who are disabled require advocacy throughout their entire school career, which is typically until age 21, Legal Services also trains parents, guardians, and providers how to advocate for their children, and achieve positive results at an early stage before problems become more complicated and require the help of an attorney.
Contact us for legal help if you are the parent or guardian of a child who needs special education services in Miami-Dade County or Monroe County.