Low-Income Taxpayers
Over 40% of all Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audits are of taxpayers who claim the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), most of whom earn less than $20,000 per year. However, these low-wage taxpayers account for only 3% of all unpaid tax revenue. This disproportionately high audit rate is challenging for families who depend on their income tax return to cover necessities.
For more than 20 years, Legal Services has represented low-wage taxpayers to resolve IRS income tax disputes, and educated them about their tax rights and responsibilities. Legal Services commonly provides representation concerning the EITC, innocent/injured spouse claims, credits, exemptions and deductions, and tax liens. Services include negotiations resulting in offers in compromise, and in U.S. Tax Court. Legal Services works with other community organizations to sponsor Tax Intake Clinics and Tax Education Workshops throughout Miami-Dade County.
Contact us for help if you have a tax problem and need legal assistance